Saturday, May 19, 2012

GOT debt?

I had to do it and so must you (I am not debt-free yet).

You must decide to get out of debt and make the choice to change your money behavior.
It is not easy, but must be done.

We have slowly increased our income and decreased our expenses as well as our debt usage. The process is usually slow at the start, but the relief is so sweet.

(Just a note: you may make small changes and notice a big difference then you may have a long stretch where it seems like no debt is being reduced. This may be because you are able to tackle those little debts and when you step up to the giant walls of debt it takes so much more to tear it down. DONT GIVE UP!!!)

You can do this!

Let's Take Turns

Ok, you go first!

What is it that you want to say? Why do you want to communicate your message?

Now, before you start spouting out your side of the story, let someone else go first. Sometimes you (and I) need to hear what the other person has to say.

Think about it and let me know what you think.